Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ceiling Cat

Ceiling Cat, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

not too much happening right now....as you can see by my choice of picture for this post. i can't explain it. it just makes me giggle.

i saw lion king last weekend. no, not the movie. the show. and it was pretty rad. i got to listen to my three year old niece say "what happened" every time the lights went down or someone yelled on stage. it was cute. but only cause i wasn't sitting right next to her. = )

and my nephew was sick last weekend with pnemonia. = ( so that's not good. though i did get to witness him peeing on my brother. which brightened up my day just a little. (that's what he gets for calling me a "dicknerd" on my own blog)

i'm heading up to SLO this weekend!! which i'm very excited for. hopefully i'll get to see lots of people and have a good time. either way, getting out of LA for the weekend means i'll be having a good time. cause it means that i won't be spending it in lab, working on meaningless assignments for my meaningless classes.

that's it for now. and remember, ceiling cat is watching you.......

Posted by *erin* | 2:57 PM |

Monday, February 20, 2006

Photo Excursion

Black and White

first of all, i got my midterm back. and i beat the average by 3 points. woo hoo!! which means that i'm officially "good enough" this quarter. which means i'm on track to being done with classes. just have to make it through the next four weeks, and then one more quarter. and then perhaps i will be done with classes forever.......okay, so i know that's not true at all. at least, i hope not. but it would be nice to be done with chemistry classes......


jeff and i spent the weekend up in santa barbara, and we thought it was funny that we were both sporting such provocative shirts. so, naturally, we had to take a picture. unfortunately, it was raining off and on, so we had to cover up our greatness while we were out and about downtown SB. (and if you don't understand the humor in his shirt, and you were alive in the 80's, then you should either put yourself on time out, or take yourself out back and kick your own ass) we had a good time relaxing and sleeping in, which is something that neither of us got to do last week because we were both working too damn hard. and we celebrated a belated valentine's day, complete with a candle lit meal and some central coast wine. oh, and he got me some really nice perfume from nordstrom's. so i can be a real girl. or, at least smell like one. now i just gotta find a reason to smell pretty. (somehow, it seems kinda pointless to smell pretty when i spend all day in a room full of smelly chemicals) but watch out! i may just turn into a real girl after all.......oh, and there was a fairly impressive thunder/hail storm this weekend. that was fun. especially since it started after i was asleep, so i kept waking up to different weather and had some really disjointed dreams.

Jaws and August

and best part of today was that i got to see august!!! he's visiting from france, and was nice enough to stop in LA to spend some time with me. august was one of the first people i truly connected with in san luis obispo. he's also one of a handful of people that i could say that without him i probably wouldn't be here. and even though he lives on another continent, in another time zone, and we don't get to talk all that frequently, i know that we'll always be very close friends. he even said that he would dress up in the musty the mustang costume (with a dress) and be my maid of honor at my wedding. if that isn't true friendship, then i don't know what is. = )

i remember years ago, back when i was a freshman in the dorms, augie and i decided that we'd be friends for life. and besides being at each other's weddings and being honorary aunt/uncle of each other's kids, that we would some day be 80 years old, sitting in rocking chairs on a porch somewhere, still harassing the hell out of each other. and i have no doubt in my mind that that will happen one day.

Creepy Stained Glass, 2

since i'm on a photo sharing kick.....he's a picture of this really creepy stained glass goblin-looking thing. there's a bunch of them on the side of the building we like to call "kick-er-off". and we're not sure what the hell they mean, or how anyone ever thought that they were a good idea. this one kind of looks like a gremlin humping a crab. now, there may be some deep symbolism there that i'm missing, but i'm afraid if i think about it too long i'll have nightmares for weeks.

in case you didn't believe it, (which is okay, cause sometimes i don't) here's a picture of me actually doing something in lab. granted, it has nothing to do with actual research, but it was still a good learning experience. one of our vacuum pumps has been leaking, and the guy who is supposed to fix that kind of thing (jailhouse joe) hasn't been able to. so our last option was to take it apart and see if we could figure out the problem. it was a fun process, as four chemists sit around and try to open up a virtual puzzle box. plus trying to keep track of which bolts went where and how each part connected, all the while covered in hot oil. yeah, it was an adventure. the good news is, that we got it put back together, and the thing actually turned on. whew. now we'll just have to see if we managed to fix the leak.

oh, and i wanted to recommend a website to you all:

Post Secret

it's a site where people send in secrets written on postcards. it's very very interesting, and also quite addictive. and they just put out a book, so if you like what you see then you should check that out. and the website is updated every sunday. sometime sad, sometimes funny, but most of them time they manage to make you feel some kind of an emotion. which is pretty cool for a piece of paper with some writing on it.

that's it for now. maybe some more photos soon....but don't hold your breath. chemistry may be taking over my life for a little while...

Posted by *erin* | 9:29 PM |

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Midterm Time

Couch, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

it's that happy time of the quarter again.....yes, that's right....Midterm Time!!! woo hoo!! and, honestly, i've been doing a good job studying. this week. it seems like all quarter i haven't been motivated at all. maybe because i burned myself out last quarter. or maybe because i feel as though the classes i am currently taking are useless to me as a chemist. or, most likely, it's because once i got my grades for last quarter i realized just how little grades actually matter in grad school. i think it's mainly just more hoops that they want to watch us jump through.

regardless, all quarter i've been coming home and doing battle with my couch. it doesn't really matter if i'm watching tv, catching up on my internet surfing, or even just staring off into space. once i sit down, i can't get myself motivated to actually do more chemistry. (and maybe that has to do with the fact that i'm already putting in 10-12 hour days, at least).

either way, i'm hoping to keep my motivation up through the end of the quarter. because even though i've now realized the irrelevantness of grades and classes, i don't want to end up pissing off my boss. cause i kinda need him on my side in order to survive this whole ordeal.

in other news, i went to a "sex worker art show" yesterday for valentine's day. it was fairly entertaining. mostly just hilarious. again, maybe it's lack of sleep talking. but watching a woman in full bondage spastically thrash about so violently that she ends up throwing herself to the ground *is* kinda humerous. = )

Posted by *erin* | 10:56 PM |

Monday, February 13, 2006

Grad School

PhD, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

for an interesting (and humorous) look at what life is like in grad school, check out phdcomics.com....

Posted by *erin* | 9:04 AM |

Friday, February 10, 2006

chem news

The Infamous Sign, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

well, as blue pointed out, i guess this qualifies as exciting news: i passed my first cumulative exam!! woo hoo!! we have 12 chances to pass four exams in order to satisfy the degree requirements. and we have to pass one of our first six to not get kicked out. so i'm safe. that *and* now i'll qualify for my master's at the end of spring quarter. yay!!

we have another cumulative exam tomorrow, so if all goes well i can knock out another one. but we'll see....

Posted by *erin* | 11:38 AM |

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

San Luis Obispo

Other Side of the FOE, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

i made a quick trip up to SLO this weekend (sorry for anyone i didn't get a chance to see) so that i could see Orchesis, the dance show. (which rocked!!) i decided to take a walk around cal poly, in order to take some pictures of places that were important to me, before they either changed beyond recognition, or before i completely forgot about them. it was actually a really cool experience. i didn't think i really needed to say "goodbye" to poly, but i'm really glad i took the time to do this. i was able to walk around and remember all the good times i had, all the incredible people i met, and all most of all. all of the ways i have grown and changed as a person over the past six years. (if you're interested, the pics are up on my flickr page....though i can't promise anything really artistic. it wasn't the best day, and i really took the photos mainly to remember)

grad school is crazy times, as always. i actually feel a hell of a lot better about it this quarter, though there definately still are a couple of days every week where i want to quit. the good news is, that the days that i feel the most confident and feel at home here are the days that i'm teaching. and it feels great to know that i'm on the right career path. = ) now i just gotta keep my motivation up and not slack off too much in my classes. (which is easier said than done)

not much else *too* exciting going on in LA. the only thing remotely interesting is that i spent my superbowl sunday at the lingerie bowl. if you haven't heard of it, for the third year in a row they had a full contact game of tackle football played by lingerie models. it was actually pretty entertaining, though definitely not worth paying for on pay-per-view. but it was an interesting alternative to sitting at home and watching the game.

oh, and last week we had a chemist from harvard come and give a seminar talk, followed by a reception, which had an open bar. keep in mind, this reception was for organic chemistry graduate students and professors. and guess what?? i got carded. which, of course, made EVERYONE else crack up. and i'm sure i'll never hear the end of it. it's still not better than the chick asking me last november what homecoming i was buying a dress for, but it was still funny.

hope that everyone is doing well, and sorry i've been slacking so much on keeping this updated. i promise, if anything exciting happens outside of my chemistry life, i'll be sure to keep you all posted. = )

Posted by *erin* | 9:59 PM |