Thursday, August 04, 2005


today i got a chance to witness my first hollywood movie premiere. well, sort of. i was walking home from campus (after working out, so i looked hot!!), and westwood was packed full of people. i guess the premiere was "red eye", a new thriller coming out. but i happened to be walking by right as the two main stars were rolling up in limos. and there was a ton of press there, and they were going nuts. it was really surreal, actually. but if you get a chance, look in the magazines for photos, cause i may show up in the background. i'll be one of the crowd, probably all blurry. but still, you might catch a glimpse of me. = )

nothing else too exciting to report from la. just working lots, and trying to not get too angry about the stupid shit our president is doing. oh, and as a follow up, the aristocrats is a really funny movie. (stacie, i recommend it if it ever comes to the palm). don't go if you're easily offended, but if you can appreciate the joke for what it is, it's an absolutely hilarious movie.

oh, and i saw charlie and the chocolate factory, and was pleasantly surprised. but now i want to read the book(s) again. so does someone who works at barnes think they maybe might wanna hook me up with their discount???? (i can't bear to pay full price for a book anymore!!!)

Posted by *erin* | 11:22 PM |