Wednesday, February 08, 2006

San Luis Obispo

Other Side of the FOE, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

i made a quick trip up to SLO this weekend (sorry for anyone i didn't get a chance to see) so that i could see Orchesis, the dance show. (which rocked!!) i decided to take a walk around cal poly, in order to take some pictures of places that were important to me, before they either changed beyond recognition, or before i completely forgot about them. it was actually a really cool experience. i didn't think i really needed to say "goodbye" to poly, but i'm really glad i took the time to do this. i was able to walk around and remember all the good times i had, all the incredible people i met, and all most of all. all of the ways i have grown and changed as a person over the past six years. (if you're interested, the pics are up on my flickr page....though i can't promise anything really artistic. it wasn't the best day, and i really took the photos mainly to remember)

grad school is crazy times, as always. i actually feel a hell of a lot better about it this quarter, though there definately still are a couple of days every week where i want to quit. the good news is, that the days that i feel the most confident and feel at home here are the days that i'm teaching. and it feels great to know that i'm on the right career path. = ) now i just gotta keep my motivation up and not slack off too much in my classes. (which is easier said than done)

not much else *too* exciting going on in LA. the only thing remotely interesting is that i spent my superbowl sunday at the lingerie bowl. if you haven't heard of it, for the third year in a row they had a full contact game of tackle football played by lingerie models. it was actually pretty entertaining, though definitely not worth paying for on pay-per-view. but it was an interesting alternative to sitting at home and watching the game.

oh, and last week we had a chemist from harvard come and give a seminar talk, followed by a reception, which had an open bar. keep in mind, this reception was for organic chemistry graduate students and professors. and guess what?? i got carded. which, of course, made EVERYONE else crack up. and i'm sure i'll never hear the end of it. it's still not better than the chick asking me last november what homecoming i was buying a dress for, but it was still funny.

hope that everyone is doing well, and sorry i've been slacking so much on keeping this updated. i promise, if anything exciting happens outside of my chemistry life, i'll be sure to keep you all posted. = )

Posted by *erin* | 9:59 PM


Blogger Jon  said...

I think passing your exam is pretty exciting

February 10, 2006 9:16 AM  

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