Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Ceiling Cat

Ceiling Cat, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

not too much happening right now....as you can see by my choice of picture for this post. i can't explain it. it just makes me giggle.

i saw lion king last weekend. no, not the movie. the show. and it was pretty rad. i got to listen to my three year old niece say "what happened" every time the lights went down or someone yelled on stage. it was cute. but only cause i wasn't sitting right next to her. = )

and my nephew was sick last weekend with pnemonia. = ( so that's not good. though i did get to witness him peeing on my brother. which brightened up my day just a little. (that's what he gets for calling me a "dicknerd" on my own blog)

i'm heading up to SLO this weekend!! which i'm very excited for. hopefully i'll get to see lots of people and have a good time. either way, getting out of LA for the weekend means i'll be having a good time. cause it means that i won't be spending it in lab, working on meaningless assignments for my meaningless classes.

that's it for now. and remember, ceiling cat is watching you.......

Posted by *erin* | 2:57 PM


Blogger Jon  said...

I prefer penisgeek over dicknerd

March 01, 2006 9:23 AM  
Blogger *erin*  said...

that just doesn't sound right at all...

what about cockdork???

March 03, 2006 12:05 AM  
Blogger Jon  said...


March 09, 2006 9:19 AM  

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