Thursday, October 27, 2005

this has gotta be quick, cause i need to get me some sleep. but i think that everyone should check out this website:

basically, you enter in some of your interests, and then anytime you click on the "stumble" button, you are taken to a new and random website. and you have the option of rating the sites you go to, so that the sites you see are constantly being updated to fit your preferences. it's perfect for someone like me, who has a short attention span and is addicted to random websites. watch out though! it's easy to spend hours "stumbling". = )

oh, and it only works with mozilla firefox, but that's a good browser, so get it. here's a small sampling of the awesome websites i have "stumbled upon":

How Much Is Inside?
Crazy Origami
Cool Photography
Dirty Mind Test
Suicide Bunnies

enjoy. = )

and, yes, i was in town last weekend. but i didn't have any free time, otherwise i would have let people know!! i promise! i was busy with fraternity events, and trying to get as much sleep as i could, since i seem to miss out on that during the week.

and yes, dad, i did copy the email i sent to allfam for this post....

Posted by *erin* | 9:39 PM |

Monday, October 24, 2005

jell-o san francisco

well, another crazy monday is over. and here's links to a couple things that helped me to get through it:

Jell-O San Francisco

yeah, someone actually made a replica of san francisco out of jello, complete with fog and everything. it's pretty impressive. i suggest checking it out.

Rubik's Mario

this one was pretty awesome, and reminded me a lot of jeff. not only does it involve super mario brothers, but it invoves art made of rubik's cubes. sweet!!! = )

and, just in case anyone cares, i got my new fifth generation ipod today, and it is SWEET! i haven't had a whole lot of time to play with it yet, but i'm very exicted about it. k that's all from me for now...

Posted by *erin* | 11:46 PM |

DU's 50th

Erin and Manson, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

i got a nice break from chemistry this weekend by going up to SLO for jeff's fraternity's 50th anniversary. it was good times, and it was nice to get to relax around old friends. now i just have to get my butt back into gear since i have midterms coming up.....

Posted by *erin* | 12:59 AM |

Thursday, October 20, 2005

snakes on a plane

wow. lots of good links to things i think are amusing. and so little time to actually post them. so if you need something to make you smile, and you have a sense of humor that resembles mine, here ya go:

1. first of all, if you haven't heard of, it's a fairly entertaining website. don't get me wrong, it's no fark. but occasionally there is some stuff on there that has me laughing out loud. like a little segment they put together commenting on the worst halloween costumes out there this year. the commentary on this one had me practically falling out of my chair:

Something Awful

they also had one line for this costume that made me laugh:


and that line is: "The way his face is framed by those curtains, it just looks like a giftwrapped invitation to punch him in the face." ahhhh so true.

2. anyone heard of the movie "snakes on a plane"????? if you haven't, then you need to join the revolution of fans. here's the link to the movie's site on imdb:

Snakes on a Plane

check out the sweet plot line for the movie. and after you've recovered from the awesomeness of it, buy a shirt to support the phenomenon:

SoaP Shirt

3. speaking of funny shirts, i really want to get this one:


i think that's enough randomness for now. yes, i'm still alive. yes, i spend at least 12 hours a day on campus. though somehow today i managed to leave after 11. woo hoo!!! and did anyone catch the daily show tonight where jon stewart was holding a big gun and talking about having a hard on??? brilliant. = )

Posted by *erin* | 9:48 PM |

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

my new toy

for anyone interested in the newest addition to the ipod family, apple announced this today:

  • New iPod

  • i think this makes it a fifth generation ipod, but i can't keep up. and, yes, i ordered one today. = ) (only cause i went out and bought a "normal" one yesterday. good thing i'm returning it tomorrow) is it nerdy that i was giddy with excitement about this all day?? (or maybe that was all the coffee i've been drinking lately)

    Posted by *erin* | 10:15 PM |

    Sunday, October 09, 2005

    follow up

    here's a book for anyone who might be interested in learning more:

  • Big Book of Masturbation
  • Posted by *erin* | 11:10 PM |

    holy crap

    why does this happen once i've left the area???????? in case you don't know, i get most of my news from and today i saw a headline with a link to the SLO tribune:

  • Porn Sunday

  • it's not fair that i don't get to see this billboard in person!! and why didn't i think of starting up porn sundays a long time ago??

    okay, there's more. i actually went the website listed in the article (, and there's some really messed up stuff in this website. maybe if it were a big joke, i could laugh, but i have a feeling that it's real. i don't want to get into a whole religious rant right now, but i also don't want people thinking that i'm merely anti-christian. i'm all for people believing in whatever makes them happy. as long as they aren't trying to push their beliefs on me or attempt to make me feel guilty or bad for choosing to believe in what i want to believe in. but it's very hard for me to not get upset at this website, especially since i am coming from a sex-positive gender studies background.

    for instance, there's this whole "operation" to "help" people stop masturbating. okay, i'll admit i laughed at first at the thought of it. but then after reading on, it started to make me really sad for people who are told this kind of thing their whole life, and so are always feeling guilty or afraid or ashamed. maybe i just don't have the same beliefs, but i just don't understand how being connected with yourself and your body could be so horribly wrong. the site says, "Masturbation is also unhealthy psychologically." uh huh. don't get me wrong, for person with a serious addiction to sex and/or masturbation it would be considered unhealthy for them. but i would venture that most people aren't truly addicted to masturbating. this website talks about masturbation like it's a gate way drug (which is a whole different load of crap that i'd love to get into at some later point in time). this part made me chuckle: "As your morals slip you may start doing other unhealthy activities, or giving in to your sexual urges in 'strange places'." hmmmmmm whatever do they mean?? and then it goes on to talk about how to quit cold turkey: "Remain calm and tell yourself, 'You don't own me masturbation! I'm taking my life back!'" okay, okay. i don't want to laugh too much, because i know that sex addiction can be an honest problem. and i'm not in any way trying to make light of addiction. but come on!! i guess i'm a little shocked to read this kind of stuff in this day and age. (and, for the record, i was trying to give this site a chance to explain their viewpoint. and maybe i'd be able to consider taking it more seriously if it didn't only talk directly to men, and always refer to god as being a "he". sorry, but right away that makes me feel like i'm not important to these people, so why should i bother to listen to them?)

    don't get me wrong, i think there's plenty of things wrong with the porn industry. i don't think that women (or men) should be coerced or forced to do anything they don't want to do. but, there are legitimate women-friendly adult companies out there. (to find some, go to i don't think the problem is the fact that we have pornography in our society (though using sex to sell EVERYTHING has gotten completely out of control), but i think the problem lies more in how we view ourselves and our sexuality, and how we raise our kids to view themselves and their sexuality. maybe if we all had healthier views towards sex and our bodies, and if we learned to respect other people for who they are, then perhaps we wouldn't have to deal with so much violence and guilt and hatred.

    sorry for the rant. i honestly wasn't planning on posting more than just the link to the SLO tribune article. i just get pretty worked up about stuff like this. and please, give me feedback if i'm not considering something that i should be. the last thing that i want to do is be like the people i can't stand who don't give the other side a chance to explain their viewpoint. and i don't want to come across as judging people who might believe all of this. maybe i just don't understand it. for me, sexuality and sexual expression can be a wonderful, beautiful thing. and i hate it when it is made out to be something dirty and wrong. there's enough hate and violence in this world already. we shouldn't be made to feel like we have to hate ourselves too.

    Posted by *erin* | 10:02 PM |

    Monday, October 03, 2005

    septober fest 2005

    The Ladies, originally uploaded by jawsmurphy.

    this weekend i went up to lake san antonio, where i got to meet up with a group of 10 of my best friends from college. we haven't all been together in two years, so this reunion has been awhile in the making. we had an amazingly wonderful time seeing each other again, and trying crazy stunts out on the lake, and i felt this picture perfectly summed up my feelings about the weekend. = ) so thanks to everyone for making septober fest 2005 a smashing success!!!!

    Posted by *erin* | 10:48 PM |

    another manic monday

    first of all, a big welcome to the blog world to bo! you can check out his new blog here:
  • For Those Who Came in Late...

  • and really, nothing else exciting from me. i was on campus today from 9 am to 9:30 pm, so i'm feeling just a little bit brain dead. but happy rosh hashana to all my jewish friends!! and hopefully i'll come up with something good to write about soon...

    Posted by *erin* | 10:36 PM |

    Sunday, October 02, 2005

    dine for america

    help support hurricane katrina and rita victims by eating out this wednesday!!
  • Dine For America
  • Posted by *erin* | 10:30 PM |