Thursday, October 20, 2005

snakes on a plane

wow. lots of good links to things i think are amusing. and so little time to actually post them. so if you need something to make you smile, and you have a sense of humor that resembles mine, here ya go:

1. first of all, if you haven't heard of, it's a fairly entertaining website. don't get me wrong, it's no fark. but occasionally there is some stuff on there that has me laughing out loud. like a little segment they put together commenting on the worst halloween costumes out there this year. the commentary on this one had me practically falling out of my chair:

Something Awful

they also had one line for this costume that made me laugh:


and that line is: "The way his face is framed by those curtains, it just looks like a giftwrapped invitation to punch him in the face." ahhhh so true.

2. anyone heard of the movie "snakes on a plane"????? if you haven't, then you need to join the revolution of fans. here's the link to the movie's site on imdb:

Snakes on a Plane

check out the sweet plot line for the movie. and after you've recovered from the awesomeness of it, buy a shirt to support the phenomenon:

SoaP Shirt

3. speaking of funny shirts, i really want to get this one:


i think that's enough randomness for now. yes, i'm still alive. yes, i spend at least 12 hours a day on campus. though somehow today i managed to leave after 11. woo hoo!!! and did anyone catch the daily show tonight where jon stewart was holding a big gun and talking about having a hard on??? brilliant. = )

Posted by *erin* | 9:48 PM