Sunday, July 16, 2006

Snakes on a Plane (8/18/06)

Snakes on a Plane

Holy CRAP i can't wait for this movie!! =)

jeff and i were walking by one the theaters in westwood tonight and we saw the newest poster for SoaP. and i got so excited thinking that perhaps the premiere will be in westwood. (there's a really good chance....which means i'm making a snake costume and going to it)

so we got back to my apartment and tried to find out more info about said premiere online, but just got sidetracked by all the sweet SoaP stuff that's online now. *sniff* and i can remember back when there was only a cartoon about it.......

anyways, i decided that i needed to share with everyone some of the awesomeness that is SoaP.....well, mostly all the sweet stuff online hyping it.....kinda weird that the movie already has a cult following, yet it hasn't even been released yet


this is Samuel L. Jackson presenting "best picture" at the MTV Movie Awards:

here is a pretty kick ass trailer that someone made:

this is some comedian acting out the auditions for SoaP:

and as you may (or may not) know, is one of the best sites ever.
also, they did a lot for all the SoaP hype. there have been a number of photoshop contests that are quite funny. the first of these contests was to photoshop a movie poster for SoaP (click here to see that thread). i thought i'd share some of the highlights with you:

Snakes on a Plane

Snakes on a Plane!

Status: Snakes

SoaP Poster

Snakes on a Plane

another wonderful photoshop contest was: "if all films were produced by the people that created the movie 'SoaP'" (lgt thread). here's some of my favorites from that post:

Trouser Snakes on a Plane

Ants on a Log

Posted by *erin* | 10:38 PM


Blogger Compagnucci  said...

You alone are responsible for kindling my desire to see this film.

Aside: I wonder if E-Ron finds herself currently in the general California area this time of year?

July 26, 2006 11:06 AM  

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